Advice with Venusmon Hybrid?

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OPLTheFifteenth 1 year ago

Hey all.

I am helping my partner build a Venusmon deck when BT10 comes out in English and they mentioned they want to develop a hybrid. I've peeked at other builds with it but something doesn't make too much sense to me that I thought I'd inquire about. 

I noticed from many builds that they only run the level four hybrids and JetSilphymon for their whole level four and five line-ups. I admit that I don't know much about yellow as nobody at my locals plays yellow hybrid but that weirds me out. I could understand if they ran Bokomon for the hybrid searching plus the memory refund but how are you supposed to consistently get the hybrids to digivolve up to Venusmon? Am I to assume you're supposed to rely on your security healing and buffs from option cards until you get them? Again, if you had searchers of any kind, maybe. But how does one consistently get anything if you run only eight level fours?

On a side note, if this is commonplace with yellow hybrid in general, can you cross-compare to better demonstrate what makes this work? I'm a filthy green player so I sort of take searchers for granted haha.

Finally, if you have any suggestions for cards to add to a deck that uses hybrid (Fairymon, Shutumon, JetSilphymon, and Izumi) and Venusmon, let me know. Even just one card that combos well and consistently would be great.