King Drasil_7D6 BT13-007
Card Main Effect
[Breeding] [Your Turn] All of your Digimon can't digivolve.
[Breeding] [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When a [Royal Knight] trait Digimon card would be played, you may reduce the play cost by 4. Further reduce it by 1 for each of this Digimon's digivolution cards.
[Breeding] [Start of Your Main Phase] Reveal the top card of your Digi-Egg deck, then place that card and all of your [Royal Knight] trait Digimon as this Digimon's bottom digivolution cards.
Inherited Effect
[Breeding] [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When an Option card with the [Royal Knight] trait is placed in the battle area, gain 1 memory.
DigimonCard.io Sets
BT-13: Booster Versus Royal KnightsTCGplayer Sets
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