KingChessmon BT13-045
Card Main Effect
When you would play this card from your hand, if you have 8 or more Digimon cards with [Chessmon] in their names in your trash, reduce the play cost by 8.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] You may Delete 1 of your Digimon to play 1 Digimon card with [Chessmon] in its name (other than [KingChessmon]) from your hand without paying its cost.
Card Alt Effect
[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Chessmon] in name: Cost 3
DigimonCard.io Sets
BT-13: Booster Versus Royal KnightsTCGplayer Sets
Cardmarket Sets
Decks Containing KingChessmon (BT13-045)
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