Ravemon: Burst Mode BT13-092

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Cyborg / Vaccine Card Stage: N/A Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[When Digivolving] Search your opponent's hand, choose 1 card, and trash it. Then, if your opponent has 7 or less cards in their hand, your opponent adds the top card of their security stack to their hand. [When Attacking] By returning 1 Digimon card from your opponent's trash to the bottom of your their deck, delete all of your opponent's Digimon with the samename as that card.

Card Alt Effect

[Burst Digivolve] [Ravemon] by returning 1 [Keenan Crier] to hand: Cost 0 At the end of the burst digivolution turn, trash this Digimon's top card.

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