Zephyrmon BT18-049

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Birdkin / Variable Card Stage: Hybrid Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

<Piercing> (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would). [On Play] [When Digivolving] 1 of your Digimon gets +3000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.

Inherited Effect

<Piercing> (When this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle, it performs any security checks it normally would).

Card Alt Effect

[Digivolve] [Zoe Orimoto]: Cost 3 [Digivolve] [Kazemon]: Cost 1

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