Velgrmon BT18-079

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Giant Bird / Variable Card Stage: Hybrid Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[On Play] [When Digivolving] For each color among your opponent's Digimon and Tamers, trash the top card of both players' decks. Then, this Digimon gets +1000 DP for each card trashed by this effect for the turn. [End of Attack] By deleting 1 level 4 or lower purple Digimon, delete all of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level.

Inherited Effect

<Retaliation> (When this Digimon is deleted after losing a battle, delete the Digimon it was battling).

Card Alt Effect

[Digivolve] [Koichi Kimura]: Cost 3 [Digivolve] [Duskmon]: Cost 1

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Decks Containing Velgrmon (BT18-079)
Purple Hybrid Turbo a
¢αρтαιη✮υѕєℓєѕѕ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘
- 13 hours ago
96 0
Tri Hybrid Just playing around with hy
- 1 day ago
203 0
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