Gaiomon BT9-068
- Color Black / Red
- Type Digimon
- Level 6
- DP 13000
- Play Cost 13
- Evolution Cost 5 / 5
- Evolution Color Black / Red
Card Main Effect
<Security A. +1> (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card).
<Reboot> (Unsuspend this Digimon during your opponent's unsuspend phase).
[When Digivolving] If this Digimon has a black digivolution card, <De-Digivolve 1> 1 of your opponent's Digimon (Trash the top card. You can't trash past level 3 cards). If this Digimon has a red digivolution card, <Blitz> (If your opponent has 1 or more memory, this Digimon may attack).
Card Alt Effect
[Digivolve] [BlackWarGreymon]: Cost 2
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