Aegisdramon EX8-029
Card Main Effect
[When Digivolving] Return up to 14 play cost's total worth of your opponent's Digimon to the bottom of the deck. If DNA digivolving, you may play up to 12 play cost's total worth of [DS] trait cards from this Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the costs.
[All Turns] While you have 1 or more memory, none of your [DS] trait Digimon are affected by your opponent's Digimon's effects. While you have 1 or less, none of your opponent's Digimon can activate [On Play] effects.
Card Alt Effect
[DNA Digivolve] Blue/Purple Lv.6 + Black/Yellow Lv.6 : Cost 0
Stack the 2 specified Digimon and digivolve unsuspended.
[DNA Digivolve] [Plesiomon] + Lv.5 w/[Seadramon] in name: Cost 0
Stack the 2 specified Digimon and digivolve unsuspended.
DigimonCard.io Sets
EX-08: Extra Booster Chain of LiberationTCGplayer Sets
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