Quantumon LM-020

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Fairy / Data Card Stage: Mega Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[When Digivolving] By placing 1 Digimon on top of its owner's security stack, reveal all of your opponent's security cards, and place 1 card among them on top of your opponent's deck. Shuffle the rest and return them to the security stack. [Start of Opponent's Turn] Declare 1 card category. Then, reveal the top card of your opponent's deck. If it's of that category, this Digimon isn't affected by that category's effects, other than this Digimon's effects, for the turn. Return the revealed cards to the top or bottom of your opponent's deck.

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Decks Containing Quantumon (LM-020)
TheBunnySpecial Bunny Alliance, added some
- 1 week ago
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Renamon Furry to woman (tm)
- 3 weeks ago
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