Agunimon BT17-011

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Wizard / Variable Card Stage: Hybrid Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

You may digivolve this card from your hand onto one of your red Tamers as if that card is a level 3 red Digimon. [When Digivolving] If [BurningGreymon] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards or you have a blue or green Digimon or Tamer, this Digimon may digivolve into [AncientGreymon] in the hand for a digivolution cost of 3, ignoring its digivolution requirements. If digivolved by this effect, delete this Digimon at the end of the turn.

Inherited Effect

[Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.

Card Alt Effect

[Digivolve] [Takuya Kanbara]: Cost 2 [Digivolve] [BurningGreymon]: Cost 1

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