Angewomon EX3-034

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Archangel / Vaccine Card Stage: N/A Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[When Digivolving] If you don't have a [Trial of the Four Great Dragons] in play, you may place 1 [Trial of the Four Great Dragons] from your hand in your battle area. [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When you play a Digimon with the [Four Great Dragons] trait or place [Trial of the Four Great Dragons] in your battle area, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.

Inherited Effect

[Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When you play a Digimon with the [Four Great Dragons] trait or place a [Trial of the Four Great Dragons] in your battle area, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.

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