Brigadramon BT14-068

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Cyborg / Virus Card Stage: Mega Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[When Digivolving] Delete up to 7 play cost's total worth of your opponent's Digimon. [Opponent's Turn] All of your Digimon with the [D-Brigade] trait gain <Blocker> (At blocker timing, by suspending this Digimon, it becomes the attack target). [End of Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. You may play up to 7 play cost's total worth of cards with the [D-Brigade]/[DigiPolice] trait among them without paying the costs. Trash the rest. Sets

BT-14: Booster Blast Ace

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Decks Containing Brigadramon (BT14-068)
Police Brutality An overall D-Brigade theme
- 2 days ago
220 0
You are under arrest Only missing a handful of c
- 4 days ago
286 0
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