Coronamon EX5-007
- Color Red
- Type Digimon
- Level 3
- DP 1000
- Play Cost 3
- Evolution Cost 0 / 0
- Evolution Color Red / Blue
- Evolution Level 2 / 2
Card Main Effect
[Start of Your Main Phase] If you have a Tamer with the [Light Fang]/[Night Claw] trait, gain 1 memory.
Inherited Effect
[Main] [Once Per Turn] By placing the top card of this Digimon with the [Light Fang]/[Night Claw] trait as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card, gain 2 memory.
Card Alt Effect
[Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[Light Fang]/[Night Claw] trait: Cost 0
DigimonCard.io Sets
EX-05: Theme Booster Animal ColosseumTCGplayer Sets
Cardmarket Sets
Decks Containing Coronamon (EX5-007)
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