Dinobeemon BT20-074
Card Main Effect
[On Play] [When Digivolving] You may return 1 Digimon card with [Imperialdramon] in its name or the [Free] trait from your trash to the hand.
[All Turns] When any of your [Dinobeemon]/[Paildramon] would be returned to hands or decks, 2 of your Digimon may DNA digivolve into [Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode] in the hand.
Inherited Effect
[Your Turn] This Digimon doesn't activate [Security] effects on Option cards it checks.
Card Alt Effect
[DNA Digivolve] Purple Lv.4 + Red Lv.4 : Cost 0
Stack the 2 specified Digimon and digivolve unsuspended.
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