HeavyLeomon EX5-055
Card Main Effect
<Fortitude> (When this Digimon with digivolution cards is deleted, play this card without paying the cost).
[When Digivolving] [On Deletion] <De-Digivolve 1> 1 of your opponent's Digimon (Trash the top card. You can't trash past level 3 cards). Then, return 1 of their 6000 DP or lower Digimon to the bottom of the deck.
[End of Attack] [Once Per Turn] Return 1 of your opponent's 4000 DP or lower Digimon to the bottom of the deck. If you didn't, unsuspend this Digimon.
Card Alt Effect
[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Leomon] in name: Cost 4
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EX-05: Theme Booster Animal ColosseumTCGplayer Sets
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Decks Containing HeavyLeomon (EX5-055)
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