MedievalGallantmon EX8-074
Card Main Effect
When this card would be played, by suspending 2 Digimon, reduce the play cost by 4.
<Alliance> (When this Digimon attacks, by suspending 1 of your other Digimon, add the suspended Digimon's DP to this Digimon and it gains <Security A. +1> for the attack).
<Vortex> (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon. With this effect, it can attack the turn it was played).
[When Digivolving] You may suspend 1 Digimon. Then, you may delete 1 of your opponent's 8000 DP or lower Digimon. For each other suspended Digimon, add 3000 to this DP deletion effect's maximum.
[All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When Digimon are played, you may activate 1 of this Digimon's [When Digivolving] effects.
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