Miki Kurosaki & Megumi Shirakawa BT13-101

Views: 0 Card Stage: N/A Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[On Play] You may play 1 Digimon card with [PawnChessmon] in its name from your hand without paying its cost. [All Turns] When you play a 2-color black and yellow Digimon, by suspending this Tamer, <Draw 1> (Draw 1 card from your deck) and gain 1 memory.

Inherited Effect

Security Effect [Security] Play this card without paying the cost.

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Decks Containing Miki Kurosaki & Megumi Shirakawa (BT13-101)
Rookie puppet chess rush Some more rookie shenanigan
- 2 weeks ago
405 0
Chessmon puppet A deck made to a semi block
- 3 weeks ago
692 0
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