Pumpkinmon EX8-033

Views: 0 Card Digi-Type: Puppet / Data Card Stage: N/A Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[On Play] [When Digivolving] Return 1 card with the [NSo] trait from your trash to the hand. [On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -4000 DP for the turn.

Inherited Effect

[On Deletion] <Recovery +1 (Deck)> (Place the top card of your deck on top of your security stack).

Card Alt Effect

[Digivolve] Lv.4 w/[NSo] trait: Cost 3 [DNA Digivolve] Yellow Lv.4 + Purple/Red Lv.4 : Cost 0 Digivolve unsuspended with the 2 specified Digimon stacked on top of each other.

TCGplayer Sets

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