RustTyrannomon BT2-051
- Color Green
- Type Digimon
- Level 6
- DP 11000
- Play Cost 13
- Evolution Cost 4
- Evolution Color Green
- Evolution Level 5
Card Main Effect
[Your Turn] When you have a green Tamer in play, this Digimon can attack your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.
[Your Turn] When this Digimon deletes one of your opponent's Digimon in battle and survives, suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
DigimonCard.io Sets
BT01-03: Release Special Booster Ver.1.0 / BT-02: Booster Ultimate Power / Digimon Card Game Fest / BTC-01: Booster Ultimate Evolution / Tamer's Selection Box Evolution Cup 2022 Ver.2TCGplayer Sets
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