Tai Kamiya BT6-087

Views: 0 Card Stage: N/A Series: Digimon Card Game

Card Main Effect

[Your Turn] When one of your Digimon with [Agumon]/[Greymon] in its name (other than [DoruGreymon]/[BurningGreymon]/[DexDoruGreymon]) moves from the breeding area to the battle area, gain 1 memory and <Draw 1> (Draw 1 card from your deck). [Main] [Once Per Turn] You can digivolve your [Agumon] into 1 [Agumon - Bond of Bravery] in your hand for its digivolution cost, ignoring its level. If you do, trash the top 2 cards of your security stack. Then, if you have 1 or more security cards, delete that Digimon at the end of the turn.

Inherited Effect

Security Effect [Security] Play this card without paying the cost.

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Decks Containing Tai Kamiya (BT6-087)
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