! Don't forget to activate both 7th Full Clusters in Trash when digivolving into Beelze-X
Your wincon is getting to 20 Cards in Trash asap, making your Death Slingers able to kill lvl.6 digimon, then either ST-14 Beelze swinging for 2, into X-Beelze Trashing Sec (in either order), then fishing Blast Mode from trash or just clutching with any Impmon / other digimon. And your Plan B is Beelstar, for those tough matchups / a lot of Blockers.
Heavy removal build, 40% chance for them to hit a nuke or a lvl.6/7 in Security.
If a lot of Options are clogging your hand use Impmon-X to trade them for a card from Trash instead.
EX2-Beelze may not play him for free when milled, but X-Antibody Beelze does On Deletion, and its effect is AND On Digivolution, so make full use of that.