Beginner Yellow Deck
Angel Deck
Control and Slow down the game by recovering your security and remove their digimon by -dp effects
Win Con: Control your opponent, try to remove their digimon even if it means giving up lots of memory, once you think it will take them a turn or 2 to build their board again, start swinging at their security (or swing at security depending on the board state)
Key Things:
Gatomon and MagnaAngemon Normal and ACE: Don't be afraid to hard play the digimon for it's full cost, even if that's is your only play. Then your opponent now has to decide whether or not to remove on their turn and possibly use up all their memory, or ignore it be punished once it goes back to your turn and becomes a stronger Digimon like Seraphimon.
Seraphimon & Ophanimon Falldown Mode: These are your Boss Monsters of the Deck. Seraphimon is able to inflict -dp on your opponent's digmon whenever to recover a card in your security and gain Security Attack +1 to do more security checks against your opponent. Ophanimon is more of a Defensive card but is able to let you play a level 4 or lower digimon from the trash if it gets deleted.
0 dp mechanic: Very important to note for playing any Yellow Deck. If a digimon DP reaches 0, after a digimon will be deleted by game rules. So use your MagnaAngemon Ace, Seraphimon, and Wyvern's Breath -dp effect to reduce the dp of certain digimon to 0 or decrease to where one of your Digimon can attack over it.
Security Stack: You don't have to do this now but once you have a good grasp with the deck and yellow decks in general, memorize what is in your security from cards that let you look at your entire security from cards like BT1 T.K. or BT14 Patamon or other cards depending if you modify the deck, this will be important if you consider picking up yellow decks and bring the full potential of yellow decks