// Digimon Deck List
2 DG Dimension BT11-108
4 Sunarizamon BT4-064
2 Golemon BT4-066
1 MetalGarurumon BT5-070
1 BlackWarGreymon P-026
4 Kapurimon ST5-01
4 Agumon ST5-03
4 ToyAgumon ST5-04
4 Greymon ST5-06
4 DarkTyrannomon ST5-08
4 MetalGreymon ST5-09
4 MetalTyrannomon ST5-10
4 Megadramon ST5-11
4 BlitzGreymon ST5-13
4 Tai Kamiya ST5-14
4 Dark Side Attack ST5-16
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