Almost tribal deck for the Cendrillmon / Puppet deck using a mix of the starter deck and EX7 cards.
Trying with ACEs at the top end, now that ShadowSeraphimon (BT18-071) exists. Use Etemon (EX5-048) to taunt and then go to ShadowSeraphimon (BT18-071), or even ShineGreymon: Burst Mode (BT17-041). No Cherubimon (EX6-035) because I ain't spending the money on that.
Plug Ins for: High-Speed Plug-In D (EX2-068) to circumvent Blockers. Offensive Plug-In A (EX2-066) to essentially do 4 checks with Cendrillmon (swing and then Overclock). Pause Plug-In P (P-095) for more control.
The Sistermon Engine is pretty cool with the Arisa Kinosaki (EX7-063) and Arisa Kinosaki (ST19-14) cards. You're able play either Sistermon for free since they're level 3.
Example combo:
Sistermon Blanc (BT6-082) attacks security and it gets deleted -> Suspend Arisa Kinosaki (EX7-063) -> Play out Sistermon Blanc (Awakened) (BT7-082) -> Tuck in Sistermon Blanc (BT6-082) from Trash -> Recover +1
Then you can either give it rush with Arisa Kinosaki (ST19-14) or you save it and activate Overclock to delete it and add Sistermon Blanc (BT6-082) back to your hand.