This is Chaos Program Black. The Black Base is more focused on utility and control over the purple base. The Purple Base also has access to much more recursion. Since there are more Black cards in the deck, you can run Defense Training as your searcher option to let you find your tamers or even your other Option cards. DORU-Din is a powerful option card once you get into Dorugoramon. It can delete a low cost tamer or Digimon and then delete all of your opponents Digimon of the lowest level. When combined with Collision you can easily remove a wide board. Metal Inpulse is similar but it is better at dealing with a singular stack of Digimon by de-digivolving a Digimon and then deleting a level 4 or lower Digimon. This variant uses the Dex Digimon as a way of controlling the game rather than as combo pieces. If you want combo then the Purple Base is better. But if you want control then the Black Base is better. If you want an X Antibody focused variant then there is my Dex Program list which focuses on that half of the deck more than the SoC half.