Okay here is the thing that I stumbled upon during my testing. I was approaching the deck wrong. I noticed that I had less Level 3 Digimon than Level 4 Digimon and wasn't getting an early game setup. So I added in more rookies. In particular the Commandramon. But I was questioning the ratios on the different ones. Each had their own utility. Then I realized that I could just run 4 of the BT 16 Commandramon and two of the rest. But then I had a little bit of trouble with the Ryudamon. I wanted to run four originally but then I decided to cut back on the tamer count and lowered the number of Ryudamon to 2. It is good if you see it but it isn't so important that you need four. The Level 4 ratios were next. I took out a Numemon. Great card especially with Satsuki. But I was cutting back on the tamer count so I lowered their number as well. As for the Sealsdramon. I opted for two of them because I can easily get to them and recycle them. Therefore it isn't needed to run any more. Same reasoning for the rookies really. Then came the level 5 Digimon. I wanted to run the new Tankdramon but couldn't find room. I didn't want to cut back on either of the level 5 Digimon in the deck. So what did I do? I removed the fourth copies of both tamers. A lot of people might be questioning my logic here. But this actually boosted consistency. I run a lot of Level 4 and Level 3 Digimon now. In fact more than half the deck are those Digimon. So I decided to make the Level 5 Digimon the boss Digimon of the deck. But they can be used to go into the secondary bosses of the deck. Brigadramon and Ouryumon are both powerful cards and can generate a lot of advantage. But I was torn on their ratios as well. So I tried out different ratios and found that it is more often than not I would prefer going into Ouryumon over Brigadramon. So I opted to have that be the main Level 6 of the deck. With that the deck had a complete change. But what about the memory options? I simply removed them. They are not needed anymore. Instead I am running the new option card in the deck. Again longest card name I have ever seen outside of an unset in MTG. I am not typing that. That option card acts as a searcher and combo piece for the deck. Accelerating the combos much more than a mere memory boost type card. What's better than two memory or a reduced cost of a digivution? Playing a card for free and getting a search for any card in the deck. I am actually debating on running more but as I already said, the two of cards in the deck are easily to get to and recycle. Making three to four copies of them kinda redundant. In my testing of this build I found that I was actually swarming the board much more than before and was able to control the game more easily. During my opponents turn I was able to not only stop a full powered Jesmon High Roll from going off, but I actually was able to get out another 6 Digimon. That was concerning to me as I have never had that happen before. And then on my next turn I proceeded to go and play another 4 Digimon very quickly. The match was over and I took a picture of the board. It was one of the most impressive things I have ever done in a card game. I had actually played out almost my entire deck onto the board essentially. The rest was in the trash which was going to go back into the deck as a resource. I am content with my build and am really happy with it. I would have never expected this deck to be so powerful. And I don't even need any more support for the deck. I might change the digiegg around once in a while but I am happy with this build.