Another refit of this list. Doing it the way I actually should! Bastemon(with Tortomon beneath, especially since it is NOT once per turn) and Dimension Scissor alone is such a silly combo, but it can get into a Lv6 with Izzy and Mimi for free. BT14 Palmon is bonus memory with that combo or attack denial, BT11 for more draws. Stingmon is sorta a side thing, if I can either chance the Lv6 with Izzy/Mimi or guarantee it with a different stack. Chaosmon is, of course, the high end for this thanks to Piercing and THAT UNSUSPENDED DIGIMON ATTACK. Parasitemon can just be a stepping stone for it, but also GranKuwagamon can still bump the Security Attacks for a turn, OR! If I'm lucky, grant it to another stacked Chaosmon.