Well this one is a little awkward. That is because Imperialdramon is already a deck that exists and is really strong. But not only that but there is a purple and red variant and a blue and green variant. But I didn't want this deck to be one of those variants. I wanted to combine the two for this one. This build makes use of the tamer to play out the rookies and dig through the deck rapidly. Using Ultimate Dragon-Insect Fusion you can go into Paildramon or Dinobeemon depending on what you have on board. If you want defense and or have a Blue and Green level 4, go into Paildramon. If you want to be more aggressive or gain more resources, you can use the red and purple level 4 Digimon to go into the Dinobeemon. Both of them can go into the BT 16 Imperialdramon Dragon Mode. That Dragon Mode can then use its effect to go into any of the Imperialdramon Fighter Modes. I opted to run two of the Ace due to the defensive aspects it provides. But one of the board wipe one and one of the virus one. This allows the deck to play much more aggressively than before but isn't like other variants. That is all for now. I haven't decided on what egg to run yet. That is why the deck doesn't have one yet.