Introduction: Though not the relevant threat it once was, Examon is still a very competent control deck that packs a great kit of battle based removal. Thanks to some buffs in Dracomon (P-092) and Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (P-109), the deck has found new speed, letting it keep up with a lot of threats.
Gameplan: This deck aims to control the opponent's ability to move out of the breeding area thanks to the still powerful effect of Slayerdramon (EX3-024). By DNA digivolving into Examon (EX3-074), this deck creates a very powerful board that presents a big wall towards its opponents. and are also great words to have on a 16k+ body that unsuspends itself. Breakdramon (EX3-044) allows the deck to deal some extra chip damage should it be able to delete by battle.
Techs: A card that could very easily go unnoticed in this deck is Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (P-109). Being both a blue and green LV6 with a 7 play cost, it can be a decent substitute when you find yourself lacking Wingdramon (EX3-020) or Groundramon (EX3-041). Paired up with any of these LV5s, Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (P-109) offers the ability to make an Examon (EX3-074) much quicker, without requiring much additional searching. It can be searched by Dracomon (EX3-037), too! It also has the ability to play any Dracomon or Davis Motomiya (BT3-093) for free. Coredramon (ST8-06) already feels less as a tech and more of a staple on this deck. Its effect can allow this deck to rebuild much more quickly, and, if it gets to play itself from security, will probably allow you to get to Examon immediatily. EX4-068 is a bit of a debatable inclusion, but it is being ran here as hard removal towards some harder to deal with decks. Giga Death (BT8-099) could also be ran, but, for now, I am choosing not to. Megadeath (ST9-14) feels a little outdated on the current meta, as returning some boss monsters to hand will just make them show up again. Blue Memory Boost! (P-036) can feel like a bit of a weird choice given the deck relies on pieces from both colors, but, while LM-036 is not around, it is nice to have an additional way to search every piece of the deck, including, mainly, Slayerdramon (EX3-024), which I believe is the most important card for this deck's control.