18/09/24: Very WIP, basically just shoving together two ST19 decks and adding in bits from EX7, not playtested yet.
20/09/24: Playtested with myself against two decks and made some changes with some EX7 cards, still not playtested in a real game.
10/12/24: Promo Shoes!
1-of Ideas?
- Reinforcing memory Boost is nice to reveal top 2, one to hand one in security, also has the delay effect of giving 3 memory, but 6 memory play cost is rough.
- Betsumon for its on Digivolve trash 1, draw 2 and the fact it's a puppet
- ShineGrey Burst Ace to get a tamer and for the security +1
- Ruin mode for security recovery
- Cho Hakkaimon, puppet, give opponent security -1
- There are a few security affecting cards that could help such as BT1 TK to search security and Valkyrimon Ace but that's just because I like Valkrymon
- Would like Promo Arisa and Promo ShoeShoe, former is nice to have to get a Shoemon out on play, and to decrease evolution cost, latter can have Jamming
- Cherubimon Ace seems to just be a nice to have in green and yellow decks if I get my hand on it