Considering swapping out Blossommon with Cherrymon BT10 to capitalize off of Lotosmon more. The drawback is 1 more memory to Digivolve, but the benefits seem very worth it- once per turn your suspended Digimon can be used as a blocker, saving you from a security attack and also can really help out Lotosmon's passive ability where you gain 2 memory and retrieve a 3000 DP (or below) Digimon from your trash. If I sub Cherrymon in, I will consider boosting Lotosmon from 2 copies to 3. Currently, Lotosmon is a flex spot, so depending on how you want to go, you could run 2 Samadhi Santi instead. If you choose to go the Lotosmon route with Cherrymon, BT6 Tinkermon is also a nice card to consider since it's on Deletion ability gives one of your opponent's Digimon security attack -1. You do need to work around to get it to work well, but it is a Digimon that could really work in a deck much more focused on Lotosmon, Cherrymon, and focused on making it work.
T.K. Takaishi is a little risky since if you don't see a Yellow card in your security stack, you will not be able to retrieve one and Recover +1. I like T.K. Takaishi, but if the risk dissuades you, consider running a different Yellow Tamer, such as BT8 Kari Kamiya.
Tinkermon has a pretty cool on play effect and Cutemon is just generally useful. Since they are Yellow, they allow for the usage of Spiral Masquerade if you don't have your Tamers out yet.
The deck does run only 7 Green Rookies, but because of the nature of the deck, you are able to play your Champions for free from Sunflowmon and Ajatarmon, so a low Green Rookie:Green Champion ratio is okay.