Halloween Tournament - Argomon Pile
Deck Primer
This was my deck list for the most recent special tournament involving only Yellow or Green decks. Originally I was planning to play bugs but decided against it assuming other players would be playing bugs and I wanted to avoid the mirror as badly as possible. And with just under a week to prepare we decided to play Argomon, without TCGplayer available which is why most of the older cards do not make an appearance, however that didn't come up as much as you would think. So the deck list.
Argomon: We have to be maxing out on the new Argomon cards, level 3 is a good searcherq and has an inheritable, level 4 plays rhythm though shockingly it's only the second best way to play Rhythm and that 3 cost over a non-Argo card isn't as bad as it looks, Level 5 is incredibly powerful as a prison card and a way to ladder into the Level 6. Being one of the best ways to proactively shut down the opponent's tamers and also tirgger your Rhythm multiple times thinks to the digivolve effect and the inheritable. The on Deletion never came up. It's a bit hard to proactively play into in the format and I never had enough guys in trash to trigger the effect. Shockingly, despite reading like an Ex-1 card, the Mega Argomon proved to be an unbelievably powerful boss monster for the deck...in this format specifically. Level 6 is straight up allowed to pop a high level digimon on the board (with minor set up and conditioning) or multiple smaller bodies which is good in a format where removal is certainly trimmed down on or conditional, think a dp reduction or spinning a suspended digimon, both are good but not always active, especially against Argomon who's able to out last dp reductions and being spun back intot he deck means he can just come down later in the game (Yes another thing that happened). The prison effect on the card came up once which I will go into during the matchup spread. The source gain. This was the most important part of this card. Being able to re use the blocker egg and gaining multiple attacks with the level 5 was so powerful and allowed Argomon to flex surprisingly large 13k body that more often was anywhere between 15k and 16k.
The Rookies: As for the generics, Palmon and Kunemon are great rookies that let us draw/search into not only our Argomon pieces but Rhythmn. God Rhythmn. I will get to her later. Palmon also works as a ladder into Palmon X, basically letting us start our turn with a draw 2. Palmon X is mostly used for the inherible as a way to reduce the cost of our tamers, especially Rhythmn.
The Champions: Togemon is amazing, best card in the deck. Cheap evo and hard play with a good inheritable and a main effect that just synergies with the deck so well. Being able to suspend your Togemon for a Rhythmn is really strong, especially with a Palmon X underneath, allowing a free Rhythmn. As well as +1 in memory on our 3 drop tamers. Being able to suspend other digimon, especially our Argomon's is incredible, allowing for our Rhythmn to trigger it's effect, and then to top it all off it allows a reduction on the Level 6 Argomon's evolution, which is huge, since he has no way of reducing his own cost inheritle or cheat memory cost. Then, there's Chamblemon. Chamblemon is bad. It was played because we had it and assumedly being able to play Chamble for 5 to either choke or reach an opponent's starting memory seemed fine especailly in conjunction with a high level Argomon being able to hate on tamers but it's not good folks. Very replacable by the BT-3 Argomon with digisportion.
Ultimate: The non-Argomon Ultimates both performed horribly. I don't think I used them almost at all and if I did I certainly lost. Okuwamon looks good in theory, being a potential megazoo card that can search out 2 cards! At the end of turn...the opponent's turn. Grim stuff folks. I played this card once as a non-vanilla and he was suspended and destroyed on my opponent's turn, proving to be so useless. Pistimon was bad Limited Argo. Never came up and is easily replaced by the limited Argomon.
Megas: The only other Mega was the old Argomon, and this card was bad. I think it exactly did one thing and that was beat over an 8k body. This card should be really good, it's in the name of the support, can reduce it's evo cost, and has the prison effect, but it's 11k body really lets it down and tapping the tamer's didn't come up. It would have been better to run a utility guy that compensates for the rest of the decks weaknesses or plays tot he strength of it.
Option: We're on 1 option, the only option. Hidden Potential discovered is busted. It's at 1 for a reason and even triggers our Rhythms! This card actually didn't come in a lot, I think it let us ladder into the level 5 Argomon without pasing turn on the level 4.
Tamers: Taiga was awesome as a cheap tamer and acts like a cheap Rhythmn, being able to reduce the cost of our Level 5 and 6 Argomon which is huge for the level 6. The 1k buff to to the board let us beat out a lot of other cards during our turn. Mimi and Joe was pretty good. The double tap to gain 2 never came up but consistently there was a player with a tapped digimon at the start of my turn, just never both. The draw being all turns is awesome for Argomon. Being able to block a digimon and draw a card felt really good and let us keep ahead so much. It was still kinda mid though and I have a better suggestion coming up. Rhythmn. Rhythmn is the Schrodingers cat of Tamers. Much like a tamer like Jeri, Rhythm hits the literal razor between powerful and useless. The effect for Rhythmn to tap Rhythmn never came up too often. Maybe hidden potential tap or a togemon tap, but could happen more with the limited Argomon. But thankfully we can tap our own Rhythmn and that makes this deck incredibly good. Level 5 being able to be played over a Togemon and tapping a Rhythmn allows for it to cost only 3 and draw us 2 cards, on an Argomon it cost only 2. Rhythmn being necessary for the multiple swings is also good, each swing drawing us a card and a memory allows for the deck to climb out of lower memory situations (We aren't playing setters or the delay options). Rhythmn was very much a crucial piece everytime but cheating her out is important. You don't really want to play your first Rhythmn for no discount, but after your first you can afford to take turns off playing her to pass turn.
Game 1: Argomon vs Bugs: Result 1-1 tie. My fears of playing bugs was correct. Literal first match and the first game was so tough but thankfully we clutched it out. Argomon proved too large for Tyrant to deal with, and was able to be laddered into effectively by destroying a GranKuwaga Ace. By keeping the Izzy suspended the Insect deck wasn't able to stabalize against our onslaught. Game 2 was a brickfest. Sadly we did not draw the level 6 and we weren't able to quell the onslaught of guys. Game 3 was a tie.
Game 2: Argomon vs Rosemon: 2-0: We took both games with ease. My opponent bricked and the deck is very soft to removal. Keeping the tamers tapped was incredible as well. Being able to throw the math off for ladder climbing by not allowing them to gain memory with Yoshino or Mimi.
Game 3: Argomon vs Armor Rabbits: 0-1: The only true lost of the night and it makes sense why. Rabbits where one of the only decks with consistent protection, not only Armor Purge but also the starter Rapidmon. It did come down to a stall match where both players couldn't commit but sadly our deck had nothing to truly commit to.
Replacements: The Palmon could be replaced by bt-14. I prefer the draw 1 and your not using the face effect ever, but the cost reduciton for our guys is important. Chamblemon should be replaced by anything. The Okuwamon can be replaced by Kimeramon. We couldn't play it in this format but theoretically it's a free evo that let's you ladder into the Level 6, but only if you have say a Togemon and the Bt3 Argomon on field, a possible play but not very cosistant. Panjyamon can also be played as a way to play more Rhythmns and I like that idea more. Limited Argo over Pistmon. Old level 6 can be replaced by anything. I think an Ace is best. Often you can turbo intot he level 5 Argomon easily but you often pass turn, this is a good way of using that body more reactively. You can also cut your level 6 count for a couple level 7's. Argomon has 2 great colors for 7's. Ruin Mode, Zwart, Quartz, 2 Burst Modes, Beelze Blast can even be an Omnimon for game. The only tamer I would think about replacing is Mimi and Joe for another green/blue duo tamer, that being the Bt-8 Davis and Ken. Davis and Ken will only gain us 1 memory but they also let us unsuspend our Argomon cards, allowing them to restand for blocking or another attack.
Final Thoughts: This deck is very cool. It's not a meta contestant but what it does do is be an interesting deck to build around. There aren't enough Argomon cards for a pure deck so there's a lot of room for expression and I look forward to trying out more builds of this deck. And if you have any suggestions please let comment below.
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