Egg Deck

2024-12-25 03:41:44
+ 1Gabumon (BT2-069)+ 3HeavyMetaldramon (BT20-077)+ 3Jack Raid (BT4-111)+ 1Calling From the Darkness (BT7-107)+ 4DemiDevimon (BT8-072)+ 1Eyesmon: Scatter Mode (EX7-053)+ 1Punkmon (EX7-055)- 4Goblimon (BT14-070)- 2Candlemon (BT20-062)- 1Black Sabbath (BT20-096)- 2Nidhoggmon (BT7-077)- 2BlackGatomon (EX7-054)- 1Yuuki (EX7-065)- 2Megidramon (LM-026)

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