Hexeblaumon deck
regaculusmon is a stand in for the 4th hex that im missing
maybe swap/decrement paledramon? in practical use he doesnt get his effect too often and if its just gonna be a level 4 evo bridge id rather it be a 1 cost evo like tobi or gorilla instead.
no memory fixer, maybe get davis in here sora and joe kind of fit that role and work with the de digivolve niche takumi for anti rookie + extra draws to hopefully hit our hex
shakkomon feels like it belongs in this deck but is obviously the more defensive option compared to weregaruru or cryspaledramon
upamon for extra draw power hypthetically hex should be safe on swings due to jamming and cards with no evos being unable to attack or block therefore dp incrementing is not neccesary so the draw is going to be more useful -omnimon becomes a big threat with his blitz swing, but thats why we have a coelamon for blocking
ikkaku and pirana for inheritable removal on swings
hammer spark for hammer spark reasons