05/18/2024 UPDATE
Placed 137/252 players. All things considered, that's pretty good going in a [BT15] meta with a "Rogue" Deck like Mastemon.
Match ups were as followed
Round 1 - VS MirageGaogamon (Lost due to bricking both games)
Round 2 - VS Loogamon (Also lost due to bricking tremendously both games)
Round 3 - VS MirageGaogamon (Won this one 2-0 because I actually drew well and just kept seeing everything I needed)
Round 4 - VS Sukamon (I actually got what I like to call "2 Girls, 1 Cup" Match-up. I got it 2-0 of course. You just win that match-up naturally)
Round 5 - VS Veemon Armor (Won this 2-0. Its a free match-up for this deck and anything that does "Sec-Con" things.)
Round 6 - VS Gabu-Bond (Lost 1-2. Most fun match I had. Every turn on every game I had back to back interactions with my opponent. It was awesome!)
Round 7 - VS Devas/Four Sovereigns (Lost to this match-up. Very unfavorable and hard to deal with.)
Record was 3 Wins/4 Losses. Overall, had an amazing first time Regional experience. Would absolutely do it again. Mastemon performed better than 141 other meta decks. That's something I'm proud of haha!
02/09/2023 UPDATE
Opted to swap out the BT5 Cutemon for the EX5 Kudamon. The free Yellow Tamer drop actually has won me games and got me out of unfavorable situations. The inheritable to delete a random 2k body also came in much more often than I expected and has also gotten me out of jams. Still consistently making TOP 4 at my current locals scene. Will really consider starting to play in some Regionals once EX6 drops in June 2024.
12/17/2023 UPDATE
Went undefeated at Gamers Alley Saturday locals. 19-Player Swiss.
First Round: BYE
Second Round: 2-0 Win VS Mirror Match
Third Round: 2-1 Win VS Loogamon
Fourth Round: 2-0 Win VS Belphemon
Mirror match was simple enough. Ensured the first game win and deck out the opponent during the second game. If your opponent begins to recover and draw more due to evolution draws, all you really have to do is delete their board and maintain deck lead. Only recover when you need to and keep blocker presence. This forces your opponent to have to answer your board which results in them using more resources in their hand which ultimately does force them to draw more because of it with all of the digivolving plays and recovery.
Match up against Loogamon is only won by know the match up. The Blocker/Retaliation combo definitely helps, but can be countered by Fenriloogamon. This is why getting out a ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode is very important for this match up as it counters any lesser bodies that are played through Soloogarmon/Fenriloogamon with DP reduction. Opponent made the mistake of checking security with a Fenriloogamon under the influence of -5000DP and hit a Mastemon during the check. Security luck has also been a huge help. Flame Hellscythe isn't needed as frequently now that we have acess to MagnaAngemon ACE. One of the main reasons for playing Flame Hellscythe was due to the previous iterations of this deck utilizing the BT1-MagnaAngemon. Since that is no longer the case, that leaves plenty of space in the deck for 3 copies of Chaos Degradation.
Match up against Belphemon was pretty interesting, but again, its match up knowledge. Choke the opponent and pass as little memory possible when you can and make optimal plays to either slow them down or just completely shut them off from their plays. ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode plays and the Blocker/Retaliation combo gives Belphemon a VERY hard time.
Again, not a easy deck to pilot. I can personally testify that Mastemon is a deck that takes months to master. This deck is definitely strong in the BT14 meta and I hope more players can enjoy it. I've won plenty of Store Championships as well as various local tournaments during my time with this deck.
11/18/2023 UPDATE
Made TOP 3 at Gamers Alley Locals, first BT14 Format tournament of the season. Had very strong match-ups againts Loogamon and D-Brigade/Digi-Police.
New Vaccine support really speeds up your Lv.6 plays, whether its a Mastemon or a Ophanimon: Falldown Mode. You can easily get to your top-end by turn 2 with a optimal hand and security. Even if you don't, you can basically manipulate what you feed into security and can easily set up future turns.
Opted out of using Ordinemon as its just not necessary for the current format. Its a great board wipe, but you can easily do the same thing with DeathXmon/ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode. Ordinemon usually comes in late-game too, and at that point you may end up recovering TOO much and deck yourself out. De-Digivolving is very strong to counter many of the meta decks this format, so I recommend sticking to DeathXmon. ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode if you prefer the DP Reduction/Recovery.
Emissary of Hope is such a powerful Option card and is one the greatest tools to be introduced for Yellow decks in general. Basically a Yellow HPD in a sense.
BT14 Patamon -> Evo into a ST10 Gatomon -> Evo into BT11 AngeWomon/LadyDevimon -> Emissary of Hope into a Falldown Mode
Its completely cracked. You can just Lv.6 in a single turn for just 2 memory. Try to use at minimum 2x copies of it in the deck. At 2x copies, you see it just enough to where its useful and can be utilized well. Anymore, the deck gets brickey and you risk losing space for other much needed cards. Mastemon decks are VERY tight for space and is by no means an easy deck to pilot. You need to know the plays, the match-ups, and counters. Definitely not a beginner deck.
This is easily one of my favorite decks to play going into the BT14 format. Capable of going toe-to-toe with the Top-Tier meta decks and can win. You just HAVE to know what you're doing. You simply CANNOT misplay with this deck.
Yelllow-Based focused Mastemon deck for BT14 Format.
Faster potential of climbing into your Mastemon/Ophanimon plays to maintain control of the board and keeping life lead with recovery.
Within the "Side Deck" section are other cards you can opt to use as well, dependent on player preference.
P-122 Patamon can be seen as a vital tool in order to fish out "Specific" dual-colored yellow cards from your security stack that normally can't be obtained with the other cards being played in the deck outside of randomness, which the BT14 T.K. Takaishi does. (Examples. ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode)
BT15 Kudamon can essentially help Tamer set up in the mid to late games, but I personally don't see much use outside of getting a Mirei out when you need it and only if you happen to soft brick and don't see it. But I can see scenarios where you may need the Mastemon plays during turns and not being able to effectively do so without a Mirei in play. And so, this particular Kudamon can help alleviate that situation.