Underrated OmniShoutmon at 3 so you can clear opponent field from rookies with 1000-4000 DP.
Arresterdramon Superior Mode, your main security breaker digimon. If you can scale 4 tamers with one Watchmaker, can break 4 sec.
3 Clockmon so you can draw them with ease, 4 Dracmon in case you have no Clockmon so you can hit sec safer with 12000 on Arrester or 11000 with OmniShoutmon using 2 Dracmon.
Basic combo: Digi Xros 2 any rookie. You can either use Clockmon for Digi Xros, or use one from under one of your tamers on your next digievolution which is Arresterdramon, gain rush, attack with Jamming, digievolve to Superior Mode, hit again. If you have Watchmaker, you can use Watchmaker on Arresterdramon so you can hit twice sec, then evolve into Superior and hit two securities again.
Quartzmon can finish games, but is not highly recommended, only use Quartz if your opponent count with many rookies so he rush into you with them, or if he will hit you for many securities with one digimon. Quartz freezes the game and if your opponent doesnt have anything to deal with it, you can trash securities.