Imperialmon OTK with Ragnaloardmon
Start turn with a Tai Kamiya out with a combination of 2 Memory Boosts out/Gravity Crush in hand and a Lv 4 in Raising, other Lv 4 in hand. It is also possible if you have 3 Memory Boosts out/Gravity Crush in hand to only need a Rookie in Raising when you start turn. Just bring it out, play a Rookie, Digivolve one into a Lv 4, and if the other Lv is in Trash, you are all set for the combo.
Tai sets you to 3. Bring out Lv 4 to Battle Area. Crack the Memory Boosts to go to 7 memory. Play a Rookie for 3, going to 4 memory. Digivolve into other applicable Lv 4, going to 2 memory. DNA Digivolve going into Paildramon or Dinobeemon, playing the other for free. Hard play UltimateBrachiomon, going to 8 memory on opponent's side.
End of Turn effect, DNA Digivolve Dinobeemon and Paildramon into DM. Attack with DM, when attacking effect, Digivolve into FM for 2, memory is now 10 on opponent's side.
3 checks, no security effects because of FM's ability. End of Turn effect, DNA Digivolve into Ragnaloardmon. Ragnaloardmon should have 8 sources, and so, you trash 2 of your opponent's security (down to zero). Swing for game.