This deck is centered around the new BT-20 support, we still have to see maybe a couple of new Sistermon to reveal so take the spots i put the current ones as place holders for posible future reveals. Also the digi-egg may change in the future.
The playstyle is gonna be centered around building your resources with the multiple searchers we have in the table, to then digivolve into the BaoHuckmon BT-20 with a Gankoomon BT-20 in hand, play it, digivolve the Bao into SaviorHuckmon BT-20 to digivolve it into a Jesmon at the end of the turn and then attack, or the Gankoo into Gankoomon X-Antibody if we want a safe turn and de-digivolve opponent. After that your table would be really hard to mess up with, and you will be able to DNA digivolve in your turn to GX or blast digivolve in their turne if they attemp to strike back, either way this is a very explosive deck that has lots of utility/defensive support and can combo really fast. Beware of flood-gates, try to prioritize killing them with either Savior BT-20 or Jesmon BT-20, maybe some of the new support of the sisters helps us cleaning the table a bit more.
We are getting two Jesmon ST-12 to have a bit more of Sistermon in the field, and also if you evolved this Jesmon on top of Savior BT-20, you can strike end of the turn with SA+1 and Alliance with a minimum of 15000DP easily reaching around the 20000DP, checking three securities and leaving your opponent already trembling for next turn.