Egg Deck

2024-07-15 06:02:47
+ 4Loogamon (BT15-071)+ 4Loogarmon (BT15-075)+ 4Soloogarmon (BT16-076)+ 2Dinobeemon (BT16-077)+ 2A Delicate Plan (BT3-097)+ 2Mist Memory Boost! (BT8-108)+ 2Analog Youth (EX1-066)+ 1Wisdom Training (P-108)- 2Phascomon (BT13-078)- 3Fangmon (BT14-072)- 4Soloogarmon (BT14-079)- 2Nidhoggmon (BT7-077)- 1BlackGatomon (BT8-077)- 1Kimeramon (BT8-084)- 3Dracmon (BT9-071)- 3Gabumon (ST16-03)- 2Matt Ishida (ST16-14)

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