Egg Deck

2024-10-15 04:10:40
+ 1Helloogarmon (BT14-078)+ 3Tyrannomon (BT15-011)+ 1Loogarmon (BT15-075)+ 2Soloogarmon (BT16-076)+ 1The Demon Wolf of the Castle of Nine Wolves (BT16-099)+ 1Fenriloogamon (BT17-069)+ 2Code Cracker Fang (BT17-091)- 1Loogarmon (BT14-074)- 1Soloogarmon (BT14-079)- 2Eiji Nagasumi (BT14-087)- 1Glaive Memory Boost! (BT6-107)- 2BlackGatomon (BT8-077)- 1Purple Memory Boost! (P-040)- 3Wisdom Training (P-108)

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