The game plan hasn't changed much since bt5 you just now have new tools that improve the deck.
The new valkrymon being a red yellow warrior allows lordknightmon to just drop it on the board for free. In addition to giving you more counter play on the opponents turn with a knightmon that is on the board from a lordknightmon swing.
The rookies are more just what I'm used to using in lordknightmon, you can run what you dicide is best for your play style or local meta. The champions are of similar reasons as the rookies other than the bt14 sentarumon that just lets you have more DP minising.
The promo knightmon inheritable being an all turns skill that lets you drop a rookie when a digimon other than it attacks. It lead me to thinking about using digimon that have more defensive on play skills.
Ignore the side deck those are cards that I think you should run in the deck until bt16. The level 7s are just preference for effects or just price. Slashangamon is only there since it's just a level 6 that I'm comfortable with in the deck for it's when digivolving effect to just finish of a digimon.