The Mamemon archetype has two very big flaws. First, it doesn't have a dedicated tamer unlike most other decks. Second, It lacks the mechanics of it's color, such as namely blocker and de-digvolve. I believe I have found a solution to both those problems. Introducing: The Save Package. The bt14 Damemon and ChuuChuumon have blocker as inherited effects, and the bt12 Tuwarmon can de-digivolve an opponent's digimon. Yuu can help us gain memory as well as reducing the digivolution costs of digimon with Save, and bt12 Damemon can help search for Yuu. If you don't fancy the Save Package, you can switch out the bt12 stuff with the Hybrid Package. J.P. helps draw, MetalKabuterimon can de-digi an opposing digimon and has block as both it's main and inherited effect, and Beetlemon reduces the digivolution cost for MetalKabu, as well as reseting J.P. when it dies. The real advantage the Hybrids have over the Save Package is that when you digivolve a hybrid on top of a tamer with cards under, it will gain the inherited effects of those cards. Aside from those two packages, the rest of the deck is your standard Mamemon deck, Prince and Bancho playing another Mame from the top three cards of your deck, bt11 Mame searching a tamer, Catch De-digvolving, and Izzy gaining memory. I haven't seen many people playing st15 Tai in general and especially not in Mamemon, but I like it for it's draw power. Now go rack up wins at locals with these balls.