megidramon can necro the gallantmons and chaosgallantmons back from the trash.
red gallant trashes a security for every 10 in OPPONENTs trash, making it a good counter to purple mirrormatches in a strange way.
chaosgallant synergizes withg your other deletion effects to bring back the level 3s you should hopefully be trashing (the BiS target will prety much always be guilmon due to his +1 mem when deleted effect)
The blackwargrowlmon and blackgrowlmon are great for unsuspending and re standing your mons however i worry about the cost of having to delete so many mons.
ideally i want to replace weregaruru with another blackwargrey, as they have the same inheritable but no digi burst allowing the return of a mon for future sacking.
there are a decent amount of low cost options in this deck incluiding jack raid since you will most likely have a big trash from your own megi mills.
lady devi is usefull since playing those low cost options will rip a level 3 off the enemy board and her digivolve effect lets us cycle through the deck faster to hopefully hit the exact cards we are looking for
dark despair is kind of just there for memes. maybe to get some value out of megi who we want to die but can take something with it.
heat viper for emergency panic removal
Tactimon is bonkers good when hes the only thing on the board, and if you can use the inheritables from blackgrowl and blackwargrowl he can get insane value from their effects and his own attacking effect that can happen multiple times