Off-meta Millith Loop adjusted for newest release
added the new lilithmon option for extra removal and replaced some mem boosts. Dont really know how to feel about them. They are cheap sudo-removal, but with such an agressive top-end with 2x ruin mode and 1x deathX idk if it is worth the switch. Will do some testing. Ruinmode/deathx does struggle with big mono-stack match-ups which I believe the new option could help to choke a stack down without ruin mode available and without having to give 7 mem with a rivals barrage or early game enough to make up for the lack-luster trash count of a death slinger.
Red scramble to fix the age old issue of trashing your avengekidmon, or used to net +1 memory and digivole into wargrowlmon, also has synergy with rush guilmon.