1st draft of NSO - looking for feedback
I believe this deck has potential. Maybe can compete with the greats, tier 1.5/2 potential.
This deck is very memory hungry, this is the biggest weakness.
Card I want to add:
- 2x Purple trainings: Memory hungry deck
- 1 Monke: Apemon is great for pumpkinmon plays.
- Necrophobia (BT3-110) : Either 1 or 2. This can get either pumpkin for a meiko play, get a lvl 3 or rush devimon or myotis for a DNA play.
- Gatomon (ST10-04) : Searchs most of the deck. Meiko plays. Allows DNA at EoT. On purple base add 2, remove spuder.
- Calling From the Darkness (BT7-107) : Purple deck, recicle potential. Costs 0 with candlemon.
- Jack Raid (BT4-111) : I bet my left nut this will be limited to 1, but still, this card is crazy strong but trades consitency.
- Ignitemon (BT11-076) : Bump to 4 if purple base is more consistent.
- Ogremon (BT14-073) : Add if switch to purple base, add 2. Remove Monke.
Weaker Archtype picks:
- Candlemon: This is for Myostismon inherit. Piedmon can get it, if there is a kill. Get it, and kill it to unsuspend myostismon for +1 mem.
- Devimon: Is not weak but not great. Is good for consitency and goblimon. Great inherit and stets up trash.
Non-archtype picks:
- Goblimon: makes egg usefull, also makes nso devimon digivolve for basically 1.
- Dober X: more search potential and we play a lot of bois, so is great. Also looking to +1 it.
- Meiko: Searchs almost all deck. Also -1 Mem on Piedmon play. Also can get you +1 mem on pumpkin play by BoltBoutamon. Combine with Dober x.
- Matt: Memory famished deck, setter is important. Got synergy with a few cards. Looking to maybe +1. Want see with the draw potential of the deck how many times I see it.
Sauce picks:
- Rush devimon: BoltBoutamon play takes usually 2-4 secs. With some poke this translats in one hit to letal. If you manage to have a lvl 3 on board ( ain't hard ) this will do the job for 2 mem. Is a side search of demidevimon also. Also a cute thing you can do it to attack with myostismon, get a lvl 3, digivolve on it and one more security or go for game.
- Neodevimon: Very tamer heavy meta. This will be very disruptive if we get there on turn 3. The inherit is NOT once per turn. Is a side search of demidevimon also. Synergy with Necrophibia if added. Want to up the count to 2 but that would be goofy. Right?
If you have time please leave a comment, playtest it or add me on discord Shino#5638