Egg Deck

2025-01-29 11:23:23
+ 1MetalEtemon (BT18-041)+ 4Tentomon (EX8-039)+ 1Kabuterimon (EX8-040)+ 2MegaKabuterimon (EX8-042)+ 2HerculesKabuterimon (EX8-044)+ 3Nature Spirits (EX8-069)- 1Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji (BT8-088)- 1Mega Digimon Assembly! (EX6-072)- 1Otamamon (EX7-015)- 1Gekomon (EX7-018)- 1ShogunGekomon (EX7-022)- 1Piximon (EX7-028)- 2SaberLeomon (EX7-029)- 1Monochromon (EX7-033)- 2Triceramon (EX7-035)- 1Eldradimon (EX7-047)- 1Gotsumon (X Antibody) (P-144)

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