This is my updated build for Gammamon using the new support. Honestly I am torn on the ratios for the Level 4s and 5s. This deck is really fighting for deck space and there are a ton of different effects I want to combo together but there isn't room for them all. This hurts the deck a lot. There is also the matter of the new Cannoweismon. It is a strong card but doesn't have the effect that the Gammamon deck typically wants in the Level 5s. This especially hurts since I want to run the Level 5 Ace for the deck due to combos it enables. The protection and removal via the new Cannoweismon is also extremely powerful. That's why I settled on a split between their cards for now. As for the new Hiro. I want to give it a try before keeping it in the deck. It's strong when in the right situations. Specifically it combos extremely well with the other Hiro tamer and the effects of the Digimon that slot extra sources underneath to effectively reduce their cost by 1. The extra memory each turn is useful. The Memory Setter Hiro is also really good for the deck even if I don't really care about the DP boost all that much. Then there is the Proximamon situation. How many copies if you run it at all? And what about the Level 6 ratios? IRL I don't own four Arcturusmon so I actually run 3. But I also don't own any of the Siriusmon yet. I've been making do with the Ace. That card is just awful. All it does is remove a small body and slot another source underneath it and give you a memory back. That's not enough to justify running it since it doesn't do anything while on board. It's just a sitting duck that doesn't do enough. As for the Level 4s. I want to run 2 of each of them but that oversaturates the deck and that's not a good thing. That's why I had to cut certain pieces to make sure the deck can do what it wants to do. Now as for the new Hiro itself. Before posting this I went and removed it. That's because I wanted to make room for more Digimon.