A deck i'm testing on the simulator
-Changed DeathXmon for Mastemon, i'ts cheaper and the effect is closer to the deck's design
-Took down a pulse and a runner to add some more bulk's, they have 2 attacks and help the chances of using both magnaange and maste (btw thx for the comment!)
-Decided on some more alterations so i took them to the side deck for testing: 3 angewomon's, because the on play effect could be benefitial with defending, i would change them for the magna Ace's and a copy of the bt6 bulkmon (i'd rather have the blocker bulkmon, besides angewomon has security+1 in the inheritance). That, and due to a lack of time, i'd be willing to change another bt6 bulk for a copy of the promo pulsemon, you never know, it could make a difference! this is not yu-gi-oh, but one can never avoid the heart of the cards (?)
-Last update before my first official tournament, ended up using angewomon, modifying some of the pulse's, took out the +1 attacker bout and to finish decided to take out the physical trainings (they are NOT cheap now, so i'll wait for the zephyr deck to make them easier to obtain). One last thing, the kyaro's have an useful effect that the current bibi simply doesn't have, so i'll use them for tomorrow's tournament and once we get bt17 i'll probably change them for the new babies. Once the tournament is over i'll update on how it went :)
Any suggestion would be appreciated, thanks!