This is my version of Alphamon. It focuses on the Ryudamon cards which lets me place extra cards into my sources more easily while going through my Digivolution stack for reduced cost. The Ginryumon are strong cards that have lots of utility. The Level 5s is where the line starts to implement some of the Dorumon line. Two Dorugreymon in total. One of the restricted one and one of the non restricted one. The rest of the Level 5s are Hisaryumon. The green one can warp into a Beast Dragon for free but requires you to have Shuu Yulin in rotation to work. One can evolve for a reduced cost when something is placed underneath it. The other gains benefits when Digivolved during an attack. It combos well with the Red Ginryumon. I am of course running the BT 7 Dorumon because of its ability to gain memory. That effect is key to this deck and can enable certain combo lines.