This is my attempt at building Three Musketeers. This deck is weird to say the very least. It plays like a Security Control deck but it really isn't one. It is much more wild and aggressive. I was tempted to run Crimson Blaze in the deck because it is searchable but it sadly is not a Three Musketeers Trait option card. As a result I cannot reuse the over and over again. I might add it in because of it being a brutal card. Now everyone here might be wondering why I chose to make Avangekidmon the decks boss monster. Well that is because I built this deck without Beelstarmon X Antibody. Now if I built this deck with only Beelstarmon then yes I would run it instead but this is a Three Musketeer deck not a Beelstarmon deck. That is why Avangekidmon is in the deck.